Technical Summary
Coordinates: 38.72126N -90.46454W, Grid Square: EM48sr What3Words
Elevation: 671 ft AMSL, 90 foot Rohn tower
Transmitter: HiDes HV-200Pro 426.000 MHz Vertical polarization, DVB-T 16QAM @ 4MHz Bandwidth, Video PID 641, Audio PID 642, DCI ATV BP RX/TX Filters
Output Power: 426.000 MHz: (DVB-T) 25w Average
Receiver: HV-110, 440.000 MHz, 4 MHz bandwidth, 16 QAM DVB-T
Antennas: (2) New-Tronics Hustler Spirits, 9db 426TX and 440RX
Talk-Back radio: 2 Mtr FM Diamond Antenna at 45 ft
Coordination: Missouri Repeater Council (MRC) 2016
Sponsor: SLATS – St. Louis Amateur Television Society Missouri.
Popular off the shelf equipment for High Definition receiving and transmitting is available at the HiDes Company and on eBay
Antenna and tower work Completed
Work Dates: September 9, 11, 2019
A few improvements were completed to enhance the overall use and reliability of the repeater.
…not to mention
a lot of hard work and financial investment to pull this all together. We owe a debt of gratitude to our Club President, Mel Whitten, KØPFX for his unfailing motivation and expertise!
We also thank the dedicated team from SGR, Rick and Gary, for all the tower work. The ground crew, consisting of Earle WDØFCH, Rich KBØCCL, Gary NØGL, John WØNZG, Bob KDØJIY, and Mel KØPFX, assisted the tower crew as well as performed maintenance and prepping for the various phases of the project.
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcast — Terrestrial